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Write what you know.


That’s a basic rule for a writer. It is brutally apparent why it’s a rule the first time we break it.

When I settled down to serious writing, I stayed with that advice. Soon, I saw a pattern, which included:

… I’m at my best, writing character-driven stories with a lively… even intense… plot, and

… The social structure I love, respect and gravitate to above all else is family.

We don’t always think families will impact what we say or do. But no matter how we define ‘family,’ love them or not; families (or lack of) are fundamental. They shape, motivate and shelter us.

Nearly everyone wants a stable family to come home to. Hopefully, they will be a plus, but… it doesn’t always happen that way. When that happens life gets harder.  

And for me, nothing in this life is more important.

You will find ‘family’ in a lot of what I write… not a list of who is mom and dad, but wanting one, celebrating with, hurting over, betraying, spilling blood for, building, losing… being sustained by.

Hope you enjoy the stories I’ve published.


Sometimes I also involve abuse. That violence and pain handed out all around us (in families no less), to those who cannot defend themselves. Tears of the Angels tells such a story, revolving around one particular problem which is rarely talked about. 

Health professionals say this is a root cause for much of the mental illness today. So I’ve made a little place here for people to share thoughts and experiences. Perhaps we can learn from each other.


Thanks for dropping by.



Now that you're here, relax and go into BOOKS. See what I’m talking about.


Tears of the Angels (full length novel, just released) - Love, Loss and Redemption in 

a 21st Century Family. The title says it all.


Driven (Nine works of short fiction) - People from today and tomorrow coping with the unexpected in life, as they look all around to try and piece a life together. People looking for a place to stand and build what is left for their lives.


The Christmas Mess (short story) - A 21st Century father and daughter.... handing 

values from one generation to the next.


 Tears of the Angels

Image by J W

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Jerold Bishop is an engineer during the day, a father (one daughter) all the time and a writer at night.


He began reading twenty minutes after he was born and grew up on steady diet of novels… (historical, science and contemporary fiction). These days, anything is fair game, even an occasional romance or a western.


He would love to hear from anyone else who enjoys reading as well.

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Jerold Bishop




"Only good books keep me up all night ...

... and this one did! I am a lover of sleep, and a lover of (great) books. When a book wins the war, I know it's a good one. This had all the elements I want in a book--interesting (not obvious) plot, great writing that doesn't get in the way of the storyline, gripping characters, no gratuitous sex or language, and something to walk away with (i.e. not an inane waste of time). I can't tell you how many books I've checked out from the library or purchased from the bookstore and regretted within the first 50 pages. It's a great relief (and JOY) to find a novel I can simply ENJOY. Kudos to the author for a job well done, and I hope this book gets out and about!"

Kevin Murdock

Amazon Review

"… Tears of the Angels is an absolutely heartrending book...



...full of trauma, abuse, war, bloodshed and death, but it manages to maintain a sense of light, warmth and hope even at its darkest moments, as people fight for each other and care for each other… The writing is intensely powerful, drawing the reader in directly to the events of the novel, and it‘s difficult reading at times… yet, throughout the book, there is always help being extended from somewhere, from a simple conversation that prevents a suicide to a nurse desperately trying to save every life she can while battle rages around her.


Relationships are the heart of (this) story… in fact, the main focus of the book is on friendship and family, a father trying to protect his daughters, an aunt trying to help her niece to a better future, sisters sustaining each other… (and) the message of the book is that your friends and your family are the ones who will pick you up, dust you off, and help you stand tall and try again, no matter what you go through… All in all, this is a deeply painful book in a lot of ways, but love, grace, and redemption shine through it… offering the reader hope through the power of human connection and mutual care.


Tears of the Angels is a book where love triumphs over abuse in a deeply heartwarming fashion – but only after a great deal of suffering and trauma, and some incalculable losses – all portrayed in evocative, emotionally-intense detail.


For the complete review, go to:


Catherine Langrehr for IndieReader

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